संस्‍कृत�?मंत्राल�?क�अधी�?भारती�?पुरातत्‍�?सर्वेक्ष�(भा.पु.�?) राष्‍ट्�?क�?सांस्‍कृति�विरासतो�क�पुरातत्‍वी�?अनुसंधा�तथ�?संरक्ष�क�लि�?ए�प्रमु�संगठ�?ह�?�?भारती�?पुरातत्‍�?सर्वेक्ष�क�?प्रमु�कार्�?राष्‍ट्री�?महत्‍�?क�प्राची�?स्‍मारको�?तथ�?पुरातत्‍वी�?स्‍थलो�औ�?अवशेषो�?क�?रखरखा�?करन�?ह�?�?इसक�अतिरिक्‍�? प्राची�?संस्‍मार�?तथ�?पुरातत्‍वी�?स्‍थ�?औ�?अवशे�अधिनिय�? 1958 क�प्रावधानो�क�अनुसा�?यह दे�?मे�?सभ�पुरातत्‍वी�?गतिविधियो�क�विनियमित करत�?ह�?�?यह पुरावशे�?तथ�?बहुमूल्‍�?कलाकृत�?अधिनिय�? 1972 क�भ�विनियमित करत�?ह�?�?br>

The Archaeological Survey of India, under the Ministry of Culture, is the premier organization for the archaeological researches and protection of the cultural heritage of the nation. know about Activities, History and Organization.

भारती�?पुरातत्‍�?सर्वेक्ष�प्राची�?संस्‍मार�?तथ�?पुरातत्‍वी�?स्‍थ�?औ�?अवशे�अधिनिय�? 1958 क�अधी�?राष्‍ट्री�?महत्‍�?क�स्‍मारको�? स्‍थलो�तथ�?अवशेषो�?क�संरक्ष�क�संबं�मे�?आपत्‍तिया� यद�?को�ह� आमंत्रि�करत�हु�?द�महीन�क�?नोटि�?देत�?ह�?�?द�मा�?क�?निर्दिष्‍�?अवध�?क�पश्‍चात�?तथ�?इ�?संबं�मे�?आपत्‍तिया�यद�?को�प्राप्‍�?होत�?ह�? क�?छानबी�?करन�क�पश्‍चात�?भारती�?पुरातत्‍�?सर्वेक्ष�किस�?स्‍मार�?क�अपन�संरक्षणाधी�?लेन�क�?निर्णय करत�?है�?br>
include temples, mosques, tombs, churches, cemeteries, forts, palaces, step-wells, rock-cut caves, and secular architecture as well as ancient mounds and sites which represent the remains of ancient habitation. explore.

भारती�?पुरातत्‍�?सर्वेक्ष�अपन�प्रारं�?स�ह� दोनो�वार्षि�?तथ�?विशे�?विषयो�क�प्रकाश�?निकालत�?ह�?ज�पुरालेखी�?तथ�?मुद्रा विषय�?क�अलाव�? उत्‍खननो�मे�?पुरातत्‍वी�?अनुसंधानो� मंदिरो�तथ�?धार्मि�?भवनो�?क�अन्‍वेषणो�? संरक्ष� वास्‍तुशिल्‍प�सर्वेक्ष�स�संबंधि�होत�है�?�?इनक�अलाव�? सर्वेक्ष�केन्‍द्री�?संरक्षि�स्‍मारको�?औ�?पुरातत्‍वी�?स्‍थलो�पर लोकप्रि�साहित्‍�?क�गाइ�बु�? फोल्‍ड�?ब्राशर, फोर्टफोलिय�तथ�?पिक्‍च�?पोस्‍टकार्�क�रू�?मे�?निकालत�?ह�?�?br>
The Archaeological Survey of India brings out a variety of publications since its inception, both annual and special with subject matters ranging from archaeological researches in excavations, explorations, conservation, architectural survey of temples and secular buildings besides epigraphy and numismatics.

पुरातत्व संस्था�?/strong>
पुरातत्‍�?संस्‍था�?क�?स्‍थापन�?वर्ष 1985 मे�?पुरातत्‍�? पुराले�?मुद्रा शास्‍त्�? संग्रहाल�?विज्ञा�? संरक्ष� पुरातत्‍�?विषय�?कानू�आद�?क�बह�?विषय�?क्षेत्�मे�?उन्‍न�?प्रशिक्ष�?प्रदान करन�क�लि�?1959 मे�?स्‍थापि�?कि�?ग�?स्‍कू�?ऑ�?आर्किलॉज�?क�?उन्‍नय�?करक�क�?ग�?थ��?संस्‍था�?मे�?चलाए जान�वाला पुरातत्‍�?मे�?स्‍नातकोत्‍त�?डिप्‍लोम�द�वर्ष क�?अवध�?क�?ह�?�?यह संस्‍था�?क�संका�सदस्‍यो�तथ�?गेस्‍�?लेक्‍चररो�क�रू�?मे�?दे�?क�प्रसिद्ध पुरातत्‍वविदो�द्वारा चलाय�?जात�?है�?br>
Imparting advanced training in multidisciplinary field of Archaeology, Epigraphy, Numismatics, Museology, Conservation, Antiquarian law, etc. The Post Graduate Diplomain Archaeology course, conducted in the Institute is of two years duration. Know more about Institute, PGDA & Syllabus etc.

सर्वेक्ष�क�पुरात्‍वी�?प्रयास उ�?महाद्वी�?क�?सीमाओ�क�बाहर कि�?ग�?औ�?विदेशो�मे�?इसक�सभ�अभिया�?उत्‍कृष्‍�?रह�?है�?�?br>
Archaeological endeavours of the Survey extended beyond the frontiers of the subcontinent and have excelled in all its expeditions abroad.

भारत मे�?संग्रहालयो�क�?अवधारण�?पीछ�ऐतिहासि�कालो�क�?मान�ज�?सकत�?ह�?जिनमे�चित्रशाल�?(चित्�?दीर्घ�? क�संदर्भो�क�?उल्‍ले�ह�?�?तथाप�? भारत मे�?संग्रहाल�?आन्‍दोल�क�?विका�?परवर्त�कालो�मे�?उस�?प्रका�?हु�?जि�?प्रका�?यूरो�मे�?हु�?�?br>
A separate Museums Branch in ASI was created in 1946 by Mortimer Wheeler. After the independence, there was a spurt in the growth of site museums in ASI. At present there are 41 site museums under the control of ASI.

राष्ट्री�?मिशन - स्मार�चिह्�?एं�?प्राची�?काली�?वस्त�?/strong>
भारत क�पा�?प्रागैतिहासि�?सम�?स�निर्मि�?विरासत, पुरातत्‍वी�?स्‍थलो�तथ�?अवशेषो�?क�रू�?मे�?असाधार�?रू�?स�मूल्‍यवा�? विस्‍तृ�?तथ�?विवि�?सांस्‍कृति�विरासत है�?�?बड़�संख्‍य�?मे�?स्‍मार�?ह�उत्‍साहवर्ध�?है�?तथ�?य�सांस्कृति�विचा�?तथ�?विका�?दोनो�क�प्रती�?है�?�?अ�?ऐस�?प्रती�?होत�?ह�?क�?भारत क�?विरासत क�संस्‍थापि�?करन�?इसक�विद्यमान होन�मे�?शासि�?प्रक्रिय�?तथ�?कि�?तर�?यह विरासत लोगो�स�संबंधि�ह�? क�अती�?क�हमार�?ज्ञा�? सम�?तथ�?शायद रुचि मे�?कु�?मूलभू�कम�?हु�?ह�?ज�सांस्‍कृति�रूपो�मे�?व्‍यक्‍�?इसक�आविर्भा�?औद्योगि�वृद्ध�?क�यु�?मे�?तेज�?स�बद�?रह�जीव�?शैल�मे�?अपन�?पारम्‍परि�?महत्‍त�?क�ख�रह�?है�?�?br>
NATIONAL MISSION on Monuments and Antiquities
India has an extraordinarily rich, vast and diverse cultural heritage in the form of built heritage, archaeological sites and remains since prehistoric times. The sheer magnitude in number alone is overwhelming and these are the symbols of both cultural expression and evolution.

Alphabetical List of Monuments - Delhi

S. No Name of Monuments / Sites Location
1 Bastion, where a wall of Jahan panah meets the wall of Rai Pithora fort. Adchini
2 Ramp and gateway of Rai Pithora's Fort Adchini
3 Marble Tomb reputed to be that of Newab BahadurJawid Khan Aliganj
4 Lal Bangla Babarpur(Kaka Nagar)
5 Khair-ul-Manzil Babarpur Bazipur( Kakanagar)
6 Kos Minar or Mughal Mile stone Babarpur Bazipur (Kaka Nagar)
7 The Moti Gate of Shershah, Delhi Babarpur Bazipur (Kaka Nagar)
8 Begampuri Masjid Begampur
9 Phool Chadar aquduct near Najafgarh Jhil aquduct Chaukri Mubarakabad
10 Lal Gumbad Chirag Delhi
11 Tomb of Bahlol Lodi -do-
12 Ajmeri Gate Bazar Ajmeri Gate
13 Alipur Cemetery Delhi-Alipur Camping group.
14 Ashoka'a pillar Ferozabad(Ferozshah Kila or Vikram Nagar Colony)
15 Bara Khamba Cemetry Imperial City
16 Chauburji Ridge near Hindura Hospital
17 Eremo Cementry Kishanaganj Railway Stn.
18 Delhi fort or Lal Qila, Naubat Khana, Diwan-i-am, Mumtaz Mahal' Rang Mahal, Baithak,Maseu Burj, diwan-i-Khas' Moti Masjid, sawan Bhadon ,Shah Burj, Hammam with all surrounding including the gardens, paths, terraces and water courses. Red fort
19 Delhi Gate Daryaganj
20 Enclosure containing the grave of Lt. Edwards and others, murdered in 1857. North Ridge near flag Staff tower, Civil Lines.
21 Enclosure wall with Tomb of Najaf Khan Safdarjang Fly over
22 Flag Staff Tower 400 yards North of Cheuburji Mosque
23 Jantar Mantar Connaught place
24 Kashmeri Gate and portion of the City Wall on either side of the Kashmeri Gate on the side and on the other upto and including the water Bastions at the Northern corner of the wall and also including the dith outside the City wall where this is exposed. Kashmeri Gate
25 Kotla Ferozabad with the remaining walls, bastions and gateways and gardens, the old Mosque, and well and all other ruins buildings it contains. Two furlangs east of jail and three furlangs due south of S.E. Corner of Shahjahanabad, Delhi.
26 Lal Darwaza, the northern gate of the outer walls of the Delhi of Shershah. Three furlang due south of Delhi Gate,
27 Lothian Road Cemetery Kashmeri Gate
28 The Mosque Qudsia Garden
29 Mutiny telegraph Memorial In front of Old Telegraph Building, Kashmeri Gate,
30 Nicholson (Or Kashmeri Gate) Cemetery Kashmeri Gate
31 Nicholson statue and its platform and the surrounding gardens paths and enclosure wall. Outside Kashmeri Gate
32 Old Baoli immediately to the west of Hindu Rao's House. On the ridge, Delhi
33 The Old Entrance Gateway of the Garden. Qudsia Delhi
34 The Pirghaib to the north and near Hindu Rao's House On the ridge , Delhi
35 Portion of City wall near which Brij Jahn Nicholson was mortally Wounded on 14th Sept. , 1857. On the ridge , Delhi
36 The Punjabi gate in the Roshanara bagh Opposite Municipal Board school, Subji Mandi
37 Purana Quila (Inderpat) or Delhi With all its walls Arcades, gateways and Bastions, gardens, the Mosque of Sher Shah (Kila Kohna Masjid). The Sher Mandala and entrances to Subteranean passages. Two miles south of the Delhi Gate of Shahjahanabad, Delhi
38 Rajpur (Mutiny cemetery) Old Rajpur Cantonment, North Distt.
39 The remaining gateways of the old Magazira with their adjoining buildings. The post office , Delhi
40 Sher shah's gate with the adjoinining curon walls and Bastions and the remains of the double line of structure to its front Opposite purana Qila immediately North-east of the Khairul Manazil Mosque
41 Site of Siege battery Known as the Sammy House Battery bearing the following Inscriptions Battery , Sammy house, Major Remington Tank, RA Commanding armament 89 pounds. To command ground near Mori Bastion. 300 Yards East of mutiny memorial
42 Site of siege Battery with inscription. East of the Hospital in police Line
43 Site of siege Battery with inscription. Compound of Curzon House
44 Site of siege Battery with inscription. In the garden near south west entrance to Delhi Club Ground
45 Sunehri Masjid near Delhi Fort Delhi Fort
46 Tomb of Capt. Mac. Barnatt & others who fall in an attack on Kishanganj. Kishan Ganj
47 Tomb of Ghiasuddin Khan, Tughlaqabad
48 Tomb of Roshanara & Baradari Sabzi Mandi
49 Tomb of Razia Begum in Mohalla Bulbuli Khana Shahjahanabad
50 Tomb of Safdarjang (Mirza Muqim Mansur Ali Khan) with all the enclosure walls, gateways, gardens and the mosque on the eastern side of the garden. Lodhi Road, New Delhi
51 Tripolia Gateways Delhi-Karnal Road
52 Uggar Sain's Baoli Near Jantar Mantar
53 Tomb of Darya Khan Kidwai Nagar East
54 Baoli at Ghiaspur Nizamuddin
55 Tomb of Mirza Muzaffer, Chota Batasha No. 153, Ghiaspur Nizamuddin
56 Tomb of Amir Khusro, Ghiaspur Nizamuddin
57 Tomb of Mirza Muzaffer, Bara Batasha No. 151 Ghiaspur Nizamuddin
58 Tomb of Nizamuddin Aulia, Ghiaspur No. 197 Nizamuddin
59 Unknown tomb Ghiaspur 153, Nizamuddin

i. The tomb of Ferozshah ii. Domed Building to the west of No.1 iii. Dalan between 1&2�?strong>iv. Domed Building & its court to the south of No. 3, v. Dalans and all ruined Buildings to the north of no. 1 and existing upto No.10�?strong>vi. Five Chhatris to the case of No. 1& No.5�?strong>vii. Old Gate to the north of No.6 viii. Three Chhatris to the north-west of No.7

ix. Ruined courtyard and its Dalans with the Domed building to the north-west to the No.8

x. Old wall running east from No.4 xi. 2.23 Acres of land surrounding the above monuments and bouded on the North by house of Chhange and Mehra Chand sons of Hansram and house of Uderam, son of Kusha South Ghairmunkan Resta East By village site belonging to village community house of Nots Zadar sons of Jai Singh Chhamar and field Nos. 338 & 331 belonging to Naider and others West By field no. 185 belonging to Udaram, son of Kusal Jat and field No. 186 belonging to Jagins and Sajawal Rajput, No. 195 Ghairmunkin Johar, common of Jats and Musalmans and filed no. 196, Ghairmunkin Pall.

Hauz Khas
61 Bag-i-Alam Gumbad with a Mosque Humayunpur
62 Kali Gumti Humayunpur (Hauz Khas)
63 Tefewala Gumbad Humayunpur Deer Park (Hauz Khas)
64 Arab Sarai Patti, Ghiapur in Hauz Inderpat
65 The Gate way of Arab Sarai facing North towards Purana Qila Near Arab Sarai Village
66 The Gate way of Arab Sarai facing East towards the tomb of Humayun Near Arab Sarai Village
67 Remainig Gateways of Arab Sarai and of Abadi-Bagh-Buhalima Near Arab Sarai Village
68 Lakhar wal Gumbad (Tomb) Inderpat Estate (Sunder Nursery), Near Delhi Public School, Mathura Road, Nizamuddin
69 Sunderwala Burj Inderpat Estate (Sunder Nursery)
70 Sunderwala Mahal Inderpat Estate (Sunder Nursery)
71 Bijay Mandal, neighbouring domes, buildings and dalan to north of Begumpur In village Kalusarai (Sarvapriya Vihar)
72 Old Lodi Bridge with approaches Near tomb of Sikander Lodi, Khairpur
73 Mosque with the dalans and courtyard and the Bara Gumbaj (the domed entracne to the mosque) Khairpur
74 The tomb of Mohammed Shah known as Mubarak Khan- Ka-Gumbaz Khairpur
75 Tomb of Sikander Lodi with its enclosure wall and bastions, gates & compound Khairpur
76 Unknown tomb with blue tiles decoration known as Shisha Gumbad Khairpur
77 Bandi or Poti ka Gumbad III-280 Kharera village between Hauz Khas and Qutab road
78 Biran-Ka-Gumbad-282 Kharera village between Hauz Khas and Qutab road
79 Biwi or Dadi-ka-Gumbad-281 Kharera village between Hauz Khas and Qutab road
80 Chor Minar No. 289 Vol III Kharehra (Hauz Khas Enclave)
81 Choti Gunti Kharehra village Green Park
82 Idgah of Kharehra No. 287, Vol III

Kharehra village

Hauz Khas Enclave

83 Nili Mosque

Kharehra village

Hauz Khas Enclave

84 Sakri Gumti-284 Kharehra village Green Park
85 Khirkee Masjid Village Khirkee
86 Satpula-III �?16 Village Khirkee
87 Tomb of Usuf-Quttal At Khirkee in field no.81 min, Property of Shamlat deh.
88 Jahaz Mahal Mehrauli
89 Shamsid Tallab together with platform entrance gates. Mehrauli
90 Moti Masjid Mehrauli
91 Old Palace of Bahadur Shah II alias Lal Mahal in Mehrauli Mehrauli
92 Bara Khamba-285 Kherera village tombs between Hauz Khas, Qutab raod
93 The Qutab Archaeological area as now fenced in, including the Mosque, Iron Pillar, Minar of Qutab-din, unfinished Minar, all colonnads, screen arches, tomb of Altmash, college, buildings of Aluddin, Tomb of Imam Zamin and all carved stoens in the above area with gardens, paths and water channels, and all gateways including the Alai-Darwaza , also all graves in the above area Mehrauli
94 Tomb of Adam Khan (Rest House) Mehrauli
95 Tomb and Mosque of Maulana Jamali Kamali Mehrauli
96 Wall mosque Mehrauli
97 Walls of Lal Kot and Rai Pithora's fort from Sohan Gate to Adam Khan's tomb including the ditch where there is an outer wall Mehrauli Kh. No. 1783, 1765, 1766, 1767, 1770, 1772, 1773, 1798 & 1764
98 Walls of Lal Kot and Rai Pithora's fort at the point where they meet together Near Jamali Kamali's Mosque Mehrauli Kh. No. 1754, Loddho Sarai Kh.No. 86,87
99 Wall of Rai Pithora's fort including gateways and bastions Mehrauli
100 Gates and walls of Mubarakpur, Kotla in village Mubarakpur village Mubarakpur, Kotla
101 Moti-ki-Masjid Behind south externsion Part II.
102 Inchla Wali Gunti village Mubarakpur, Kotla
103 Kala Gumbad village Mubarakpur, Kotla
104 Tombs of Bade-Khan, and Mubarakpur Kotla, Kotla village Mubarakpur, Kotla
105 Tombs of Chote Khan, Mubarakpur Kotla
106 Tomb of Mubarik in Mubarakpur, Kotla village Mubarakpur, Kotla
107 Mosque attached to Mubarak shah Tomb village Mubarakpur, Kotla
108 Tomb of Bhura Khan village Mubarakpur, Kotla
109 Tin Burji Walla Gumbad Mohammed pur village II, 304
110 Unnamed tomb Mohammed pur village II, 305
111 Baoli Munika II. 318
112 Munda Gumbad Munika 302.
113 Unnamed Mosque Munika 314.
114 Unnamed Mosque Munika 313.
115 Unnamed Mosque Munika 315.
116 Unnamed Mosque Munika 316.
117 Unnamed Mosque Munika 317.

i. Unnamed Mosque

ii. Unnamed Tomb

Munika 321&

Munika 322

119 Wajir pur- ki-Gumbad Munika 312.
120 The Afsah-walla-ki-Masjid situated outside the west gate of Humayun's tomb with its dalans and paved court bounded on the east by Humayun's tomb on the west by Abadi Arab Sarai on the north by road and Khasra No. 252 and on the south by Abadi Arab Sarai Nizammudin
121 Bara Khamba outside north entrance to shrine Nizammudin
122 Bara Pulah bridge near Nizammudin South of Nizammudin
123 Chausath Khamba and tomb of Mirza Nizammudin Aziz-ka-Kokaltash Nizammudin
124 Grave of Jahanara Begum Nizammudin
125 Grave of Mohammed Shah Nizammudin
126 Grave of Mirza Jahangir Nizammudin
127 Humayun's tomb, its platforms, garden, enclosure walls and gateways Khasra No. 258 bounded on the east by Khasra No.180&181&244 of Miri Singh and on west by Kh. No. 268&253 on the north by Khasra No. 266, on the south by Kh No. 245 of Miri Singh & Kh. No. 248 & 249 of Sayyed Mohummad Nizammudin
128 Nila Gumbad outside the south corner of the enclosure of Humayun's tomb (Kh. No. 243) bounded on the east by Kh. No. 182, on the west by Humayun's tomb, on the north by Kh. No. 181 & on the south by Kh. No. 244 of Miri Singh Nizammudin
129 Nili Chhatri or Subz Burz . Nizammudin East
130 Tomb of Afsar-wala immediately near to the south of Afsar-wala-ki-Masjid Nizammudin
131 Tomb of Atgah Khan Nizammudin
132 The tomb of Isa Khan with its surrounding enclosure walls and turrest garden gateways and mosque (Kh. No. 281 ) bounded on the east by Arab Sarai Kh. No.236 on the west by Kh. No. 283 graveyard of Piare Lal and K.No. 283 of Bddon on the north by Kh. No. 236 of Pandit Brij Vallabh and on the south by Arab Sarai Kh. No. 238. Nizammudin
133 Tomb of Khan-i-Khana Nizammudin
134 Tomb with three domes near Rly.Station Nizammudin
135 Sikargah Kushak-II -327 Old Kushak Village
136 Gateways of Badli-Ki-Sarai Village Pipalthala
137 Tomb of Sheikh Kaburuddin also known as Rakabwala Gumbad in field no.84 min. situated at sarai Shah 31 property of Thoks Shahpur and Adhehini Malviyanagar
138 Ruined line of walls, bastions & gateways of siri Kh. No. 88, 265 &447 at village Shahpur Jat Shahpur Jat

Internal buildings of

Siri Mehammadi wali-Kh. No. 14 Shahpur Jat

Bul-Bul-Ki-Kh. No. 256 Shahpur Jat

Makhdum ki Kh. No. 255 Shahpur Jat

Baradari Shahpur Jat

Motiyan wala dome Shahpur Jat

Thana wala Shahpur Jat

Shahpur Jat
140 Nai-ka-kot. Tughlaqabad. Kotla
141 Tomb of Ghiyasuddin Tughlaqabad. walls and bastions, gates and cause way including the tomb of Dad Khan Tughlaqabad.
142 Tomb of Mohammed Tughlaqabadshah Badarpur Zail
143 Walls of old city of Tughlaqabad. Badarpur Zail
144 Walls, gateways bastions and internal buildings of both inner and outer citadels of Tughlaqabad fort ughlaqabad
145 Walls, gate and bastions of Adilabad (Mohammadbad) and causeway leading there to from Tughlaqabad. ughlaqabad
146 The Tomb Wazirabad
147 The mosque Wazirabad
148 Neighbouring Bridge Wazirabad
149 Mound known as Jaga Bai comprise in part of surve plot no. 167 Jamia nagar
150 Ashoka rock Edict East of Kailash colony
151 Mandi Mosque Ladho Sarai
152 Rajon-ki-Bain with Mosque and Chhatri Ladho Sarai
153 Badun Gate Ladho Sarai
154 Gateway of Lal kot Ladho Sarai
155 Gateway of Rai Pithoria's fort Ladho Sarai
156 Walls of Rai Pithora's fort and Jahan Panah at the point where they meet together Hauz Rani abd Lado Sarai
157 Tomb of Sultan Ghari Nalikpur Kohi
158 Baoli known as diving wall locally known as (Candak-ki-baoli) Mehrauli
159 Enlosure containing the tomb of Shah Alam Bahadur Shah, Shah Alam to and Akbar Shah II Mehrauli
160 Houz Shamsi with central red stone pavilion situated at Mehrauli in field No. 157-81, 1586-97, 1614 &1624 Mehrauli
161 Iron Pillar Hindu Mehrauli
162 Anceint Mosque Palam
163 Sheesh Mahal Shalimar Garden Village Hyderpur
164 Ashokan Pillar On the Ridge between Hindu Rao Hospital
165 Sarai Shahji Malaviya Nagar
166 Azim Khan Tomb Lado Sarai
167 Mazar of Sheikh Muhammad Ibrahim Zauq ChindBagh, Kadam Sherif, Paharganj, Delhi
168 Fortificaiton Wall Asad Burj, Water gate, Delhi Gate, Lahori Gate, Jahangiri Gate, Chhattra Bazar, Baoli Red Fort, Delhi
169 Fortification walls, Gates, Bastions and Ancient Buildings of Salimgarh Fort Bela Road
170 Portion of the City Wall of Shahajanabad Ansari Road
171 Sat Narain Bhawan Delhi Sadhora Khurd, Dina Nath Marg, Roshanara Road, New Delhi.
172 Balban Khan's Tomb & Jamli Kamali Lado Sarai, Mehrauli, Delhi
173 Unknown Tomb in the vicinitty of Jawahar Lal Nehru Stadium Pragati Vihar, New Delhi
174 Mazar of Mirza Ghalib Nizamuddin
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